Jenkit koittavat rikkoa jääkiekon yleisöennätykset + CHL Import Draft

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Nuo mainiot amerikkalaiset ovat taas lähteneet ennätystenrikkojaisiin, nyt olisi tavoitteena rikkoa vuodelta 1955 peräisin oleva yksittäisen jääkiekko-ottelun yleisöennätys. Aikani on valitettavasti rajallinen, joten kopion uutisen suoraan tähän. Lisää asiasta löytyy osoitteesta

"EAST LANSING, Mich. - The Michigan State-Michigan hockey rivalry continues to grow with the announcement today (June 18) of a once-in-a-lifetime event, an outdoor hockey game in Spartan Stadium on Saturday, Oct. 6, at 6 p.m. The event coined "The Cold War" features two of the premier teams in the Central Collegiate Hockey Association (CCHA) in a game that will count in the regular-season standings. This is Michigan's lone appearance in East Lansing in the 2001-02 season.

"This is more than just another hockey game between two old rivals - it's an event," said MSU athletics director Dr. Clarence Underwood. "The initial response from fans has been overwhelming and our goal is to break the world record for hockey attendance."

The world ice hockey attendance record is 55,000 fans set in 1957 during the World Championships in Moscow as Sweden defeated the USSR, 3-2. The college ice hockey attendance record saw 21,576 fans watch as Michigan State defeated Michigan Tech, 7-0, on Dec. 29, 1984, in the championship game of the Great Lakes Invitational at Joe Louis Arena. The capacity of Spartan Stadium is 72,027.

"Obviously, it has taken a great deal of cooperation to make this dream become a reality. Red (Berenson) has been very supportive from the start," said MSU hockey coach Ron Mason. "With both of us being statesmen of the game of college hockey and the CCHA, we felt it would be a good idea. Different units on campus have pooled their talents and we have relied on the expertise of outside companies as well."

The ice rink will be located in the center of Spartan Stadium's football field, extending beyond the 20-yard lines. The ice surface, provided by Los Tres Papagayos (Van Nuys, Calif.) is frozen using a series of aluminum plates and chilled with a 281-ton refrigeration unit. The system was recommended by the National Hockey League and was used in the motion picture, "Mystery, Alaska," and is capable of handling almost all types of weather conditions. The portable ice surface will be installed on top of a layered platform constructed by SGA PROduction Staging (Lansing, Mich.). Portable lighting will be provided by Musco Lighting (Oskaloosa, Iowa).

"This is something that Michigan State has been talking about for some time now, and it's a first," said U-M hockey coach Gordon "Red" Berenson. "I don't think anyone has done anything like this at any level of hockey, in particular in a football stadium, and I think it will be an experience not only for the players, but the fans as well."

Tickets go on sale to the general public Monday, June 25. This game is part of MSU's ice hockey season-ticket package, and season-ticket holders will have the opportunity to purchase additional tickets on the renewal application (expected to be mailed in July). Tickets in the prime seating area (lower level between the 20-yard lines) cost $18 per ticket, while the remainder of the stadium costs $10 per seat.

Both MSU and U-M are coming off 2001 NCAA Frozen Four appearances. All told, the two schools have captured seven of the last eight CCHA regular-season championships and seven of the last eight CCHA tournament championships. The Spartans won the 2001 CCHA regular-season and championship trophies.

The Oct. 6 meeting will mark the 238th game between the universities. Michigan leads the all-time series, 122-107-8. The first-ever contest between the schools took place on Jan. 11, 1922, with the Wolverines taking a 5-1 win in Ann Arbor. Michigan State won four of five meetings in 2000-01, including a 2-0 decision in the CCHA Championship game at Joe Louis Arena on March 17.

"This game is very important to both teams, but it's not just a hockey game, it's an event and a showcase for hockey in the state of Michigan," Mason said. "Michigan has more youth hockey players registered with USA Hockey than any other state. The game is also good for the CCHA and it draws attention to both the sport of hockey and Michigan State University."
Michigan on todella Minnesotan ohella jääkiekon vahvoja alueita USA:ssa.

CHL:n eli Kanadan kolmen suuren A-juniorisarjan ulkomaalaisdrafti on paraikaa käynnissä. Suomalaisista on varattu ensimmäisellä kierroksella Juha-Pekka Ketola Seattleen ja Lukon miehistä myös Juris Stals varattin. Taitaa Stalsin osoite olla ensi kaudella Sarnia, jossa Aarne Honkavaarakin kävi aikoinaan pelaamassa ja opiskelemassa jääkiekkokulttuuria.

Suomalaiset eivät ole olleet kovin innostuneita CHL:stä, mutta tshekit ja slovakit sitäkin enemmän. Tämän vuoden draftin alkupäässä varattin lähes yksistään tshekkejä ja slovakkeja, joista useimmat lähtevät hakemaan NHL-glooriaa Kanadan junnusarjojen kautta. Draftin ykkösvaraus oli tshekki Marian Havel.

Koko lista löytyy osoitteesta mikäli CHL sattuu kiinnostamaan.


CHL:n Import Draftissa onkin näemmä hieman suurempi todennäköisyys tulla varatuksi ekalla kierroksella, kuin vaikkapa NHL:n Entry Draftissä :)

J-P Ketolan varannut joukkue ei ole WHL:n Seattle vaan QMJHL:n Castors de Sherbrooke. Juris Stals siis varattiin OHL:n Sarnia Stingiin.

Niille jotka eivät tiedä, niin CHL-joukkueet varaavat vain niitä pelaajia jotka ovat ilmoittaneet olevansa valmiita pelaamaan CHL:n sarjoissa. Suomesta lähtijöitä ei yleensä kovinkaan montaa ole.
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