Irakin sota alkamassa..

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Jyp, IFK
Terveisiä Bushille. Sota on tälläistä pahimmillaan (esim. Vietnam). Ehkä jotain on opittu, mutta sota on aina raakaa ja veristä, vaikka sitä kuinka kaunistelisit tv-sodaksi.

Murder at your every foot step.
A child's toy sudden death.
Sniper blazes you thru your knees
Falling down can you feel the heat,

Ambushed by the spray of lead
Count the bullet holes in your head.
Offspring sent out to cry,
Living mandatory suicide.

Holes burn deep in your chest,
Raked by machine gun fire.
Screaming soul sent out to die,
Living mandatory suicide.

Lying, dying, screaming in pain.
Begging, pleading, bullets drop like rain.
Mines explode, pain sheers through your brain,
Radical amputation, this is insane.

Fly swatter stakes drive through your chest.
Spikes impale you as you're forced off the crest.
Soldier of misfortune
Hunting with bated breath.

A vile smell, like tasting death.
Dead bodies, dying and wounded
Litter the city streets
Shattered glass, bits of clothing and human deceit.
Dying [in] terror,
Blood's cheap, it's everywhere.
Mandatory suicide, massacre on the front line.

Slayer: Mandatory Suicide


Ilves, Bruins
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
War is something that I despise
For it means destruction of innocent lives
For it means tears in thousands of mothers' eyes
When their sons go out to fight to give their lives


It's nothing but a heartbreaker
Friend only to the undertaker
War is the enemy of all mankind
The thought of war blows my mind
Handed down from generation to generation
Induction destruction
Who wants to die


War has shattered many young men's dreams
Made them disabled bitter and meanLife is too precious to be fighting wars
each day
War can't give life it can only take it away

It's nothing but a heartbreaker
Friend only to the undertaker
Peace love and understanding
There must be some place for these things today
They say we must fight to keep our freedom
But Lord there's gotta be a better way
That's better than

(Barret Strong, Norman Whitfield/Edwin Star)


Auschwitz Motorsport
Kurkin sisään akkunasta
jalkaa polkee tekis mieleni tanssaamaan
sisällä ois paljon mukavampaa
ensi kertaa ulkomailla
en tajua puheestakaan sanaakaan
musiikki on kovin kulmikasta
Joku kaivaa lugerin esiin
alushousuni turhaan pesin

Humpatanko saksassa jaaha
Humpatanko saksassa jaaha
hapankaalia makkaraa ja natseja


Koppalakkinen pussihousu
sotapugu ja prenikoitakin tusinoittain
tanssaa ja läikyttää oluttaan
parkettien paskakasa
partnerinaan eva gertrud tai erika
pyörii ja heiluttaa lihojansa
Joku kaivaa lugerin esiin
alushousuni turhaan pesin

Humpatanko saksassa jaaha
Humpatanko saksassa jaaha
hapankaalia makkaraa ja natseja


Eläkeläiset : Humpataanko Saksassa


Theme from M.A.S.H.

Through early morning fog I see,
Visions of the things to be,
The pains that are withheld for me,
I realize and I can see...

That suicide is painless.
It brings on many changes.
And I can take or leave it if I please.

I try to find a way to make,
All our little joys relate,
Without that ever-present hate,
But now I know that it's too late, and...

That suicide is painless.
It brings on many changes.
And I can take or leave it if I please.

The game of life is hard to play,
I'm gonna lose it anyway.
The losing card I'll someday lay,
So this is all I have to say.

That suicide is painless.
It brings on many changes.
And I can take or leave it if I please.

The only way to win is cheat,
And lay it down before I'm beat,
And to another give my seat,
For that's the only painless feat.

That suicide is painless.
It brings on many changes.
And I can take or leave it if I please.

The sword of time will pierce our skins.
It doesn't hurt when it begins.
But as it works its way on in,
The pain grows it grin, but...

That suicide is painless.
It brings on many changes.
And I can take or leave it if I please.

A brave man once requested me,
to answer questions that are key.
Is it to be or not to be?
And I replied 'Oh why ask me?'

That suicide is painless.
It brings on many changes.
And I can take or leave it if I please.

'Cause suicide is painless.
It brings on many changes.
And you can do the same thing if you please.


ХПК ja Tuukka "T-73" Mäkelä
Niin, itse sanoisin, että tapelkaa niin saatte tupakkaa.

Tämän lisäksi on todettava, että aseteollisuus saa tuotteitaan kaupaksi, mikä lienee hyvä asia asianosaisille osakkeenomistajille.

Sitä en jaksa mainita, että lukuisat menettävät kotinsa, terveytensä ja henkensä mm. sen takia että amerikassa bensanhinta pysyy siedettänä.

Täältä tähän


Arsenal ja Lahden Reipas
Nyt voitaisiin tehdä Georgelle kokoelmalevy, jota kuuntelemalla voisi sotahulluus hieman laantua. Jos siis GWB osaisi ajatella, mutta ilman aivoja se lienee mahdottomuus.

Eli tämänkin kappaleen sanoitus pistää kyllä ajattelemaan sodan mielettömyyttä:

I Can't Remember Anything
Can't Tell If this Is True or Dream
Deep down Inside I Feel to Scream
this Terrible Silence Stops Me

Now That the War Is Through with Me
I'm Waking up I Can Not See
That There Is Not Much Left of Me
Nothing Is Real but Pain Now

Hold My Breath as I Wish for Death
Oh Please God,wake Me

Back in the Womb its Much Too Real
in Pumps Life That I must Feel
but Can't Look Forward to Reveal
Look to the Time When I'll Live

Fed Through the Tube That Sticks in Me
Just like a Wartime Novelty
Tied to Machines That Make Me Be
Cut this Life off from Me

Hold My Breath as I Wish for Death
Oh Please God,wake Me
Now the World Is Gone I'm Just One
Oh God,help Me Hold My Breath as I Wish for Death
Oh Please God Help Me

Darkness Imprisoning Me
All That I See
Absolute Horror
I Cannot Live
I Cannot Die
Trapped in Myself
Body My Holding Cell

Landmine Has Taken My Sight
Taken My Speech
Taken My Hearing
Taken My Arms
Taken My Legs
Taken My Soul
Left Me with Life in Hell

Metallica: One


HIFK , Chicago Blackhawks, Leeds United
London Bridge is ...

Otsikon sävelmää mukaellen:

Saddam Hussein is falling down
falling down
falling down

Saddam Hussein is falling down

We won´t miss him
Been so many words so much to say
Words are not enough to keep the guns at bay
Some live in fear some do not
Some gamble everything on who gets the final shot

Oh don't talk to me of love
It's obvious it's not enough
Annihilation kill them all
Capitulation watch the mighty fall
The road to glory is lined in red
And though the reason now is gone
The battle rages on

Was it love or hate that got here first
Hate's a habit it's hard to shake the curse
Kill to live and live to die
Human nature you let the strong survive

Oh don't talk to me of love
Be serious it's not enough
Annihilation kill them all
Capitulation watch the mighty fall
The road to glory is lined in red
And trough the reason now is gone
The battle rages on

Deep Purple: Battle Rages On


Rock the Casbah by The Clash

Now the king told the boogie men
You have to let that raga drop
The oil down the desert way
Has been shakin' to the top
The shiek he drove his Cadillac
He went a' cruisnin' down the ville
The muezzin was a' standing
On the radiator grille
The shareef don't like it
Rockin' the Casbah
Rock the Casbah
The shareef don't like it
Rockin' the Casbah
Rock the Casbah
By order of the prophet
We ban that boogie sound
Degenerate the faithful
With that craazy Casbah sound
But the Bedouin they brought out
The electric camel drum
The local guitar picker
Got his guitar picking thumb
As soon as the shareef
Had cleared the square
They began to wail
Now over at the temple
Oh! They really pack 'em in
The in crowd say it's cool
To dig this chanting thing
But as the wind changed direction
The temple band took five
The crowd caught a wiff
Of that crazy Casbah jive
The king called up his jet fighters
He said you better eaarn your pay
Drop your bombs between the minarets
Down the Casbah way
As soon as the shareef was
Chauffeured outta there
The jet pilots tuned to
The cockpit radio blare
As soon as the shareef was
Outta their hair
The jet pilots wailed
He thinks it's not kosher
Fundamentally he can't take it.
You know he really hates it.


Suomen maajoukkue, Bleg, ACM
Kohta taas mennään, liput liehuen ja torvet soiden.
On urheaa mennä taisteluun, rohkeasti maansa ja jumalansa puolesta.
On uljasta antaa kaikkensa, kaunista palata kotiin sankarina.

Näen kun miekkani iskee vihollisen vartaloon.
Näen kun kirveeni murskaa vihollisen kallon.
Näen kun luotini silpoo vihollisen kasvot.
Näen kuin pommini tuhoavat vihollisen kaupungit.

TAPA, TAPA, TAPA, haluan nähdä verta.
Lämmintä verta valumassa autiomaan hiekkaan.
Verta vihollisen tuskaisilla kasvoilla.
Naisten ja lasten itkua miestensä ruumiiden äärellä.

Raunioituneita kaupunkeja, savuavia taloja.
Kuolleita kaduilla, pihoilla, pelloilla matojen ruokana.
Miehiä, naisia, pieniä lapsia. Eilen vielä elossa.
Eilen vielä täynnä elämää, tänään ruumiina ojassa.

Palaneita ihmisiä, silvottuja käsiä, jalkoja,
raiskattuja naisia, murhattuja lapsia.
Selviytyneitä etsimässä ruokaa jätekasoista.
Sota on uljasta, sota on kaunista.

Ei unohdu asiat edes tuhannessa vuodessa,
hyökkäykset meitä kohtaan on kostettava.
Mutta mitään ei opita, lyhyt on muisti,
ihmiskunnan tekojen osalta.

Kohta taas mennään, liput liehuen ja torvet soiden.
Onko pakko mennä taisteluun, sokeasti maansa ja jumalansa puolesta ?
Typerää antaa kaikkensa, palata kotiin kuolleena.

- DanC vitutusketjussa


Metallica: Ride the Lighting

Do unto others as they have done unto you
But what in the hell is this world coming to?
Blow the universe into nothingness
Nuclear warfare shall lay us to rest


Fight fire with fire
Ending is near
Fight fire with fire
Bursting with fear
We shall die

Time is like a fuse, short and burning fast
Armageddon is here, like said in the past
Soon to fill our lungs the hot winds of death
The gods are laughing, so take your last breath



Megadeth : Symphony Of Destruction

You take a mortal man,
And put him in control
Watch him become a god
Watch peoples heads a'roll A'roll...


Suomen maajoukkueet
Jos jatkais apokalyptisella linjalla... Edellisiä sanoituksia lukiessa tulee miettineeksi, että miten syvällä sen sotavietin täytyykään ihmiskunnassa olla, kun noin kristallinkirkkaasti järjetöntä asiaa on niin innokkaasti ja pitkään harrastettu. Olisiko niin ettei ole itsekään erityisen viaton vaan vain oikeassa paikassa oikeaan aikaan: jos oltaisiin synnytty vain muutama ikäpolvi taaksepäin niin suurella kiihkolla raahattaisiin toisiamme montun reunalle. Kuka tietää mitä tapahtuu muutama sukupolvi eteenpäin, ollaanko siitä mistä lähdettiin? Tuskin ainakaan mitään suurta laadullista kehitystä on tässä ajassa tapahtunut. No, välillä tulee oheinen mieleen näinä rauhattomina aikoina, mutta tuskin tässä mikään maailmanloppu sentään on tulossa...

The Second Coming -- W. B. Yeats

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all convictions, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?


Auschwitz Motorsport

Oljan slutar, min vän

Ölet slutar, fy fan
Nu räcker det allt
Det finns ingen flaskan i koppan så här

Termostaten är sönder

Hela vattnet är kallt
Billiga kvinnor och brännvin
Finns det i Amsterdam
Men nu kommer nyheten:
Fisken har kommit!

Brännvin till halsen

Nu tar vi pupporna fullt

Lyijykomppania - Öljyn kaiku


JYP, NJ Devils
Metallica - Disposable Heroes

Bodies fill the fields I see, hungry heroes end
No one to play soldier now, no one to pretend
Running blind through killing fields, bred to kill them all
Victim of what said should beA servant ‘til I fall

Soldier boy, made of clay
Now an empty shell
Twenty one, only son
But he served us well
Bred to kill, not to care
Do just as we sayFinish here, greetings death
He’s to take away

Back to the front
You will do what I say, when I sayBack to the front
You will die when I say, you must die
Back to the front
You coward
You servant
You blindman

Barking of machinegun fire, does nothing to me nowSounding of the clock, that ticks, get used to it somehow
More a man, more stripes you bare, glory seeker trendsBodies fill the fields I see
The slaughter never ends

Soldier boy, made of clay
Now an empty shell
Twenty one, only son
But he served us well
Bred to kill, not to care
Do just as we sayFinish here, greetings death
He’s to take away

Back to the front
You will do what I say, when I sayBack to the front
You will die when I say, you must die
Back to the front
You coward
You servant
You blindman

Why, am I dying ?Kill, have no fear
Lie, live of lying
Hell, hell is here

I was born for dying

Life planned out before my birth, nothing could I say
Had no chance to see myself, moulded day by day
Looking back I realized, nothing have I done
Left to die with only friend
Alone I clench my gun

Soldier boy, made of clay
Now an empty shell
Twenty one, only son
But he served us well
Bred to kill, not to care
Do just as we sayFinish here, greetings death
He’s to take away

Back to the front
You will do what I say, when I sayBack to the front
You will die when I say, you must die
Back to the front
You coward
You servant
You blindman

Back to the front



Sentenced-Crumbling down

Like roses wither so does hope
as we approach our final fate
A new dawn of man?
Oh no, can't you feel, the End is on its way...

It's all over, said and done, haven't you heard?
We are living our last days in this world
Oh, Give Up Hope, do it now
the world is coming Crumbling Down

we have passed
the point of No Return by far
and swept away the last sheds of hope
A new dawn of man?
Oh no, can't you feel, the End is on its way...

It's all over, said and done, haven't you heard?
We are living our last days on this earth
Oh, your days are over!
Your world is finished!

Down down down down
Thy kingdom gone
Down down down down
My kingdom come

This is it
This is the End

Free at last

(Lyrics by Sami Lopakka)


HIFK & Carl Brewer Forever & Karjakunnan nakit
Balladi vihreistä bareteista...

Fighting soldiers from the sky,
fearless men who jump and die.

Men who mean just what they say,
the brave men of the Green Berets.

Silver wings upon their ghests,
these are men, Americas best,
one hundred men we´ll test today,
but only three wins the Green Beret

Trained to live off nature´s land,
trained to combat, hand to hand.
Men who fight by night and day,
but only three wins the Green Beret

Back at home a young wife waits,
her Green Beret has met his fate.
He has died for those oppressed,
leaving her this last request.

Put silver wings on my son´s chest,
make him one of America´s best,
he´ll be a man, they´ll test one day,
have him win The Green Beret.


Liverpool FC, Montreal Canadiens
Words and music by Brian May'

In the year of thirty-nine'
Assembled here the volunteers
In the days when lands were few
Here the ship sailed out into the blue and sunny morn
The sweetest sight ever seen
And the night followed day
And the story tellers say
That the score brave souls inside
for many a lonely day
Sailed across the milky seas
Never looked back never feared never cried

Don't you hear my call
Though you're many years away
Don't you hear me calling you
Write your letters in the sand
For the day I'll take your hand
In the land that our grand-children knew'

In the year of thirty-nine'
Came a ship from the blue
The volunteers came home that day
And they bring good news
Of a world so newly born
Though their hearts so heavily weigh
For the earth is old and grey
Little darlin' we'll away
But my love this cannot be
Oh so many years have gone
Though I'm older than a year
Your mothers eyes from your eyes cry to me

Don't you hear my call
Though you're many years away
Don't you hear me calling you
Write your letters in the sand
For the day I'll take your hand
In the land that our grand-children knew

Don't you hear my call
Though you're many years away
Don't you hear me calling you
All your letters in the sand
Cannot heal me like your hand
For my life still ahead pity me


Blues, LFC
The Clash - Tommy Gun

Tommy gun
You ain't happy less you got one
Tommy gun
Ain't gonna shoot the place up
Just for fun
Maybe he wants to die for the money
Maybe he wants to kill for his country
Whatever he wants, he's gonna get it!

Tommy gun
You better strip it down for a custom run
Tommy gun
Waiting in the airport 'till kingdom come
An' we can watch you make it
On the nine o'clock news
Standing there in palestine lighting the fuse
Whatever you want, you're gonna get it

Tommy gun
You'll be dead when your war is won
Tommy gun
But did you have to gun down everyone?
I can see it's kill or be killed
A nation of destiny has got to be fulfilled
Whatever you want, you're gonna get it!

Tommy gun
You can be a hero in an age of none
Tommy gun
I'm cutting out your picture from page one
I'm gonna get a jacket just like yours
An' give my false support to your cause
Whatever you want, you're gonna get it!

Boats an' tanks and planes, it's your game
Kings an' queens an' generals learn your name
I see all the innocents, the human sacrifice
And if death comes so cheap
Then the same goes for life!
Viimeksi muokattu:


Hieman omaa väännöstä vanhaan klassikkoon:

Nyt Uncle Sam käy sotimaan, huraa, huraa
Nyt Uncle Sam käy sotimaan, huraa, huraa
On kaikki kansat näin riemuissaan
Kun maailmanrauha turvataan
Nyt Uncle Sam käy sotimaan, saa kansat riemuita

Heit' kaikki kansat näin kumartaa, huraa, huraa
Kun pahan akselia murskataan, huraa, huraa
Toteutetaan tehtävää korkeimman
Vuoksi turvallisemman maailman
Heit' kaikki kansat näin kumartaa, God bless America

Näin Tähtilippu hulmuaa, huraa, huraa
Ja tykit sylkee kunniaa, huraa, huraa
Kiitokset George Bush nuoremman
Me saamme maailman vakaamman
Näin tykit sylkee kuolemaa ja maailman pelastaa

Eikös se näin ole.... ;)
Jackson 5 - Man of War

You think that your way
Is the best way of all
You don’t know everything
So you don’t know it all
You don’t respect a man
For the way that he feels
You can’t make people do things
Against their will

Man of war
Don’t go to war no more
Why don’t you
Why don’t you study peace
Man of war
Don’t go to war no more
Study peace
’Cause peace is what we need

Just because your army
Gives you strength
Gives you might
Truth is gonna win
Wrong will never conquer right
Every man has a right
To think and be free
You’re like a spoiled brat
You want everything you see

Man of war
Don’t go to war no more
Why don’t you
Why don’t you study peace
Man of war
Don’t go to war no more
Study peace
’Cause peace is what we need

You think that your bombs, guns and planes
Make you a big man
When you attack and invade
On another man’s land
Trying to make him be
What you want him to be
Make him do
What you want him to do
Make him say
What you want him to say
It wasn’t meant to be that way

You think your way
Is the best way of all
You don’t know everything
So you don’t know it all
You got to respect a man
For the way that he feels
You can’t make people do things
Against their will

Man of war
Don’t go to war no more
Why don’t you
Why don’t you study peace
Man of war
Don’t go to war no more
Study peace
’Cause peace is what we need


HPK, Barca
System of a down - War?

Dark is the light,
The man you fight,
With all your prayers, incantations,
Running away, a trivial day,
Of judgment and deliverance,
To whom was sold, this bounty soul,
A gentile or a priest ?
Who victored over, the Seljuks,
When the holy land was taken

We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens

Was it the riches, of the land,
Powers of bright darkness,
That lead the noble, to the East,
To fight the heathens

We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens

We must call upon our bright darkness,
Beliefs, they're the bullets of the wicked,
One was written on the sword,
For you must enter a room to destroy it,
International security,
Call of the righteous man,
Needs a reason to kill man,
History teaches us so,
The reason he must attain,
Must be approved by his God,
His child, partisan brother of war,

Of war, we don't speak anymore,
Of war, we don't speak anymore,
Of war, we don't speak anymore,
Of war, we don't speak anymore,

We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens
We will fight the heathens, We will fight the heathens


Jee, sotaa!!

Look at your young men fighting
Look at your women crying
Look at your young men dying
The way they've always done before

Look at the hate we're breeding
Look at the fear we're feeding
Look at the lives we're leading
The way we've always done before

My hands are tied
The billions shift from side to side
And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
For the love of God and our human rights
And all these things are swept aside
By bloody hands time can't deny
And are washed away by your genocide
And history hides the lies of our stupid wars

D'you wear a black armband when they shot the man
Who said "Peace could last forever"
And in my first memories they shot Kennedy
I went numb when I learned to see
So I never fell for Vietnam
We got the Wall of D.C. to remind us all
That you can't trust freedom when it's not in your hands
When everybody's fightin' for their promised land

And I don't need your fuckin' war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your fuckin' war

Look at the shoes your filling
Look at the blood we're spilling
Look at the world we're killing
The way we've always done before

Look in the doubt we've wallowed
Look at the leaders we've followed
Look at the lies we've swallowed
And I don't want to hear no more

My hands are tied
For all I've seen has changed my mind
But still the wars go on as the years go by
With no love of God or human rights
'Cause all these dreams are swept aside
By bloody hands of the hypnotized
Who carry the cross of homicide
And history bears the scars of our stupid wars

I don't need your fuckin' war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
And I don't need your fuckin' war
I don't need one more war

Guns N' Roses - Civil War


TGEKPKFASC (hallituksen jäsen)
Sen enempää sodan oikeutukseen tai muihin moraalisiin puoliin puuttumatta, haluan herättää keskustelua "Operaatio Ihmiskilvestä".

Tämän päivän Ilta-Sanomissa haastateltiin ihailtavan (lue säälittävän) idealistista tekniikan ylioppilasta Teijo Virolaista. Tekn.yo. Virolainen kertoi leiriytyvänsä Bagdadin sähkölaitoksen eteen telttaan, jotta Bush jättäisi pommit pudottamatta. Samassa artikkelissa muut aktivistit epäilevät joutuvansa todennäköisesti Husseinin "panttivangeiksi" tai sitten ihmiskilviksi sanan ei-niin-humanitäärisessä merkityksessä.

Itselleni tällainen toiminta herättää tunteita kahteen suuntaan, toisaalta on ihailtavaa tuollainen uhrautuvaisuus ja toisaalta tuntuu niin säälittävältä olettaa toiminnalla olevan minkäänlaista vaikutusta. Ihan arvauksena heittäisin, ettei Bush tämän takia jätä sotaansa väliin. Seurauksena muutama kymmenen länsimaalaista rauhanpuolustajaa kuolee. Mitäs sitten ?

Kenen mielestä tällainen toiminta on kannattavaa ? Lähtisitkö itse kilveksi Irakiin ? Minä en.


Helsingin Jokerit
Hammer to Fall

The Works (1984)
Hammer to Fall

Here we stand or here we fall
History won't care at all
Make the bed, light the light
Lady Mercy won't be home tonight.

You don't waste no time at all
Don't hear the bell but you answer the call
It comes to you as to us all
We're just waiting
For the hammer to fall

Oh every night, and every day
A little piece of you is falling away
But lift your face, the Western Way -
Build your muscles as your body decays.

Tow the line and play their game
Let the anaesthetic cover it all
Till one day they call your name
You know it's time for the Hammer to Fall.

Rich or poor or famous for
Your truth it's all the same
Lock your door but rain is pouring
Through your window pane
Baby now your struggle's all vain.

For we who grew up tall and proud
In the shadow of the Mushroom Cloud
Convinced our voices can't be heard
We just wanna scream it louder and louder

What the hell are we fighting for?
Just surrender and it won't hurt at all
You just got time to say your prayers
While you're waiting for the Hammer to Fall.

PS. En vastusta Irakin sotaa. Muslimeja vastaan kristityt joutuvat tappelemaan kuitenkin lähitulevaisuudessa, miksi emme siis ottaisi Irakin kokoista etumatkaa? Ja hymiöitä tarpeen mukaan.
Kirjaudu sisään, jos haluat vastata ketjuun. Jos sinulla ei ole vielä käyttäjätunnusta, rekisteröidy nyt! Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy