Näin Satosaaren pelejä aika paljon nähneenä voin sanoa, että Satosaari on liigatason maalivahti - ei enempää, ei vähempää. Ei ole missään nimessä se maaginen mies joka kääntäisi Ilveksen kurssin ajelehtivan puolustuksen takana. Satosaari on tasaisen varma, mutta ottaa vain ne vedot jotka on otettavissa. Haamutorjuntoja Satosaarelta on turha odottaa. Sanotaanko, että mies on suurseuran kakkosvahdin tasoa. Liian huono ykköseksi, mutta liian hyvä kakkoseksi. Saton uskaltaa laittaa maaliin yli kymmeeneenkin peliin kaudessa, mutta hänen varaansa ei kannata laskea.
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EDIT:Tässä googlen kääntämä saksalainen teksti. Minulle jäi nyt epäselväksi, missä Ilves jutussa mainitaan. Jutusta minusta selviää, että Saton sopimus on purettu huonojen otteiden takia.
Bremerhaven. After a detailed discussion between the managing director of the REV play operating company, Hans's Werner shrubs and so far at number unity set goal keeper of the ' Fischtown of penguin ', Tommi Satosaari, both Contracting Parties agreed by agreement on the dissolution of the closed contract. Thus the demand posed by coach Bartman to the sporty guidance of the association was put to a new goal keeper look out to hold into practice. Satosaari did not fulfill the requirements of the training supervisor, who demands in the momentarily sportily precarious situation more support for the defense of the sea-side town club. Also Satosaari, which found no more consideration in the last plays, was not with its situation any more contently. In Bremerhaven one is simply not of it convinced that Satosaari is with security of good goal keepers, to the Unterweser however nevertheless to succeed here could. The separation took place in from both sides a concerted and at each time fair led discussion atmosphere. The REV Bremerhaven is now on the search for a successor, that last so often missed the defense self-assurance to again give is. Officially still no names are acted, but it seems in such a way, as if a replacement for Tommi Satosaari should to be already presented be able in the course of this week. The association wishes to ' on its further sporty stations much success Sato '. Managing director Hans Werner shrubs: ' we will further keep the contact as good friends. Although it folded not in such a way sportily for both sides as planned, our personal relations remains however unaffected of it.'