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Queens of the stone agen viime levyn kokoonpano on sitten hajonnut.
Mark Lanegan lähti ensin bändistä jatkamaan soolouraansa. Uutta levyä pitäisi pukata tänä keväänä.
Sitten Homme pisti Nick Oliverin pihalle. Homme väittää että Oliveri lopetti, huhuja on myös että Homme kyllästyi Oliverin bilettämiseen. Oliveri ei olisi halunnut lopettaa.
Oliveri kirjottaa mondogenerator.com että Homme on nyt yksin projektinsa kanssa...
Hello everybody. I'm in L.A., and it's getting to be too much. You know what I mean? I'm ready to go out on tour again with Mondo Generator. I just wanted to tell you folks what's really goin' on - good news and bad news. The bad news, which you all know, is that Queens of the Stone Age, as we all know it, is no more. I heard it's now called "Queens Lite." Unfortunately, I was fired, and Mark Lanegan decided to cut out from the Queens and focus on his solo project. His new record will be out this spring.
Anyways, a pure idea has been polluted. It's funny. 'a band about an idea? The concept was simple: A ROCK BAND, selfless, mindless, ego-free, unprotected, about danger, sex, and no bull-shit rock 'n roll. You know what happens when a pure and original rock band gets polluted, poisoned by hunger for power, and by control issues? Things get really out of control. I'm noticing that people start fighting for control, especially when they realize they have no control. And what ever happened to loyalty?
The strongest leaders are chosen by their followers, not self-appointed. The best front men are chosen by their fans. At one time, the thing I really loved about the Queens was that there were three front men, organic and original. I'd never heard of a rock band with three lead singers, with three different voices. My favorite band is dead.
Josh itse kertoo eräässä haastattelussa jatkavansa nimellä Queens of the stone age, ja että biisejä on jo kasassa toistakymmentä.
JOSH HOMME: Splitting With NICK OLIVERI Was 'The Hardest Thing' - Feb. 17, 2004
QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE frontman Josh Homme has told the U.K.'s NME that his decision to split with bassist Nick Oliveri was the "hardest thing" but that he'd rather stay "brothers" with Oliveri than carry on with the band in its current state.
Josh spoke to NME the day after playing his debut U.K. show with his other band EAGLES OF DEATH METAL at the London Met Bar (Feb. 10).
Homme explained that the decision had come as the result of a "number of incidents occurring over the last 18 months" but refused to go into details. Rumors had been circulating that Homme had become unhappy with Oliveri's partying and that things came to a head on the Big Day Out tour of Australia earlier this year.
Homme told NME: "For me it's the hardest thing. I will never talk shit about my bro or anything like that. Nick and I are still definitely that. I love making music and stuff but it's more important to me to be brothers with Nick.
"Everyone in the band is an individual and that was by design. It was what we were all looking for, to harness the chaos. The thing that always brought Nick and I together is that we have different styles of doing the same thing. Nick is probably one of the most unafraid people I know, and I'm not afraid either. And that's the reason we're friends.
"There's a part of me that goes, 'Man, it's just rock 'n' roll,' but then there's another part that is, 'I've know Nick since I was 14 years old.' I'm the only one that's going to have to deal with that."
Josh says he is concentrating on the fourth QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE album, which will be a return to his roots and inspired by the events of the last year.
"The first QUEENS album was myself and a drummer," he said. "A lot of this new material reminds me of the first record. I've already written 16 songs. I plan to take six more weeks and try to beat them. What I've been writing has come like a waterfall over the last nine months."
The new QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE album is scheduled to be recorded in the spring for a tentative late 2004 release.
Noh, kävi miten kävi mutta en odota Hommen omalta levyltä kyllä samanlaista kuin porukalta jossa etenkin Lanegan oli mukana.
Mark Lanegan lähti ensin bändistä jatkamaan soolouraansa. Uutta levyä pitäisi pukata tänä keväänä.
Sitten Homme pisti Nick Oliverin pihalle. Homme väittää että Oliveri lopetti, huhuja on myös että Homme kyllästyi Oliverin bilettämiseen. Oliveri ei olisi halunnut lopettaa.
Oliveri kirjottaa mondogenerator.com että Homme on nyt yksin projektinsa kanssa...
Hello everybody. I'm in L.A., and it's getting to be too much. You know what I mean? I'm ready to go out on tour again with Mondo Generator. I just wanted to tell you folks what's really goin' on - good news and bad news. The bad news, which you all know, is that Queens of the Stone Age, as we all know it, is no more. I heard it's now called "Queens Lite." Unfortunately, I was fired, and Mark Lanegan decided to cut out from the Queens and focus on his solo project. His new record will be out this spring.
Anyways, a pure idea has been polluted. It's funny. 'a band about an idea? The concept was simple: A ROCK BAND, selfless, mindless, ego-free, unprotected, about danger, sex, and no bull-shit rock 'n roll. You know what happens when a pure and original rock band gets polluted, poisoned by hunger for power, and by control issues? Things get really out of control. I'm noticing that people start fighting for control, especially when they realize they have no control. And what ever happened to loyalty?
The strongest leaders are chosen by their followers, not self-appointed. The best front men are chosen by their fans. At one time, the thing I really loved about the Queens was that there were three front men, organic and original. I'd never heard of a rock band with three lead singers, with three different voices. My favorite band is dead.
Josh itse kertoo eräässä haastattelussa jatkavansa nimellä Queens of the stone age, ja että biisejä on jo kasassa toistakymmentä.
JOSH HOMME: Splitting With NICK OLIVERI Was 'The Hardest Thing' - Feb. 17, 2004
QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE frontman Josh Homme has told the U.K.'s NME that his decision to split with bassist Nick Oliveri was the "hardest thing" but that he'd rather stay "brothers" with Oliveri than carry on with the band in its current state.
Josh spoke to NME the day after playing his debut U.K. show with his other band EAGLES OF DEATH METAL at the London Met Bar (Feb. 10).
Homme explained that the decision had come as the result of a "number of incidents occurring over the last 18 months" but refused to go into details. Rumors had been circulating that Homme had become unhappy with Oliveri's partying and that things came to a head on the Big Day Out tour of Australia earlier this year.
Homme told NME: "For me it's the hardest thing. I will never talk shit about my bro or anything like that. Nick and I are still definitely that. I love making music and stuff but it's more important to me to be brothers with Nick.
"Everyone in the band is an individual and that was by design. It was what we were all looking for, to harness the chaos. The thing that always brought Nick and I together is that we have different styles of doing the same thing. Nick is probably one of the most unafraid people I know, and I'm not afraid either. And that's the reason we're friends.
"There's a part of me that goes, 'Man, it's just rock 'n' roll,' but then there's another part that is, 'I've know Nick since I was 14 years old.' I'm the only one that's going to have to deal with that."
Josh says he is concentrating on the fourth QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE album, which will be a return to his roots and inspired by the events of the last year.
"The first QUEENS album was myself and a drummer," he said. "A lot of this new material reminds me of the first record. I've already written 16 songs. I plan to take six more weeks and try to beat them. What I've been writing has come like a waterfall over the last nine months."
The new QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE album is scheduled to be recorded in the spring for a tentative late 2004 release.
Noh, kävi miten kävi mutta en odota Hommen omalta levyltä kyllä samanlaista kuin porukalta jossa etenkin Lanegan oli mukana.