Tuo WTC aiheketju on jo siirtymässä tähän aiheeseen, joten uusi ketju sallittaneen.
Eli tilanne tällä hetkellä:
"For the first time in the military alliance's history, the 19 member states are considering sending support of any kind to the U.S. in response to Tuesday's attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington."
Ja lisäksi "Intelligence sources tell CNN that at least two phone calls were intercepted between members of an organization connected with suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden. Phone calls mentioned that two targets had been hit."
Taitaa olla enemmän kuin todennäköistä että kostoisku, mihin se sitten kohdistuukin, tulee olemaan lievästi sanoen ankara.
Eli tilanne tällä hetkellä:
"For the first time in the military alliance's history, the 19 member states are considering sending support of any kind to the U.S. in response to Tuesday's attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington."
Ja lisäksi "Intelligence sources tell CNN that at least two phone calls were intercepted between members of an organization connected with suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden. Phone calls mentioned that two targets had been hit."
Taitaa olla enemmän kuin todennäköistä että kostoisku, mihin se sitten kohdistuukin, tulee olemaan lievästi sanoen ankara.