Lyriikkatrivia vol I

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  • 12


Elikkäs mitkä kappaleet alkavat seuraavilla rimpsuilla?

1. "Load up on guns and bring your friends. It's fun to lose.."

2. "All I wanna do is love you. I just want to take you there.."

3. "We all came out to Montreux. On the Lake Geneva shorelinet. To make records with a mobile. We didn't have much time.."

4. "You show us everything you've got. You keep on dancin' and the room gets hot. You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy.."

5. "Has he lost his mind? Can he see or is he blind?"

6. "All our times have come. Here but now they're gone.
Seasons don't fear the reaper.."

7. "I was caught in the middle of a railroad track
I looked round and I knew there was no turning back.."

8. "All the teachin' in the world today. All the little girls fillin' up the world today. When the good comes to bad, the bad comes to good.."

9. "Boom boom boom boom. I'm gonna shoot you right down,
right offa your feet.."

10. "It's been a long time since i rock n' rolled. It's been a long time since I got down and strolled.."

11. "Have you been to the desert? Have you walked with the dead? There's a hundred thousand children being killed for their bread.."

12. "Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena. Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena.."

13. "I wish that I could fly into the sky. So very high, just like a dragonfly.."

14. "I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes.."

15. "Bailando bailando amigos adios, adios el silencio loco.."

16. "Kylmä keskiviikko, sadetta ja harmaata. Keittiön ikkunasta mä tuijotan tunteja.."

17. "Tyttö näki sillalta kuinka mustaa, vesi oli alhaalla jossakin.."

18. "Juot ja katselet vieraisiin pöytiin, salaa vilkaiset itseäsi peiliin.."

19. "Kuka voisi kellot seisauttaa kun turhan nopeaan
aika tänä yönä raksuttaa.."

20. "Taas lapset pihalla näät ikkunas
alla leikkivän leikkejään.."


Melchester Rovers
Viestin lähetti Tommy
Elikkäs mitkä kappaleet alkavat seuraavilla rimpsuilla?

1. "Load up on guns and bring your friends. It's fun to lose.."

2. "All I wanna do is love you. I just want to take you there.."

3. "We all came out to Montreux. On the Lake Geneva shorelinet. To make records with a mobile. We didn't have much time.."

4. "You show us everything you've got. You keep on dancin' and the room gets hot. You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy.."

KISS - Rock'n'roll all night

5. "Has he lost his mind? Can he see or is he blind?"

6. "All our times have come. Here but now they're gone.
Seasons don't fear the reaper.."

Blue Öyster Cult - Don't fear the reaper

7. "I was caught in the middle of a railroad track
I looked round and I knew there was no turning back.."

8. "All the teachin' in the world today. All the little girls fillin' up the world today. When the good comes to bad, the bad comes to good.."

Limp Bizkit - Take a look around

9. "Boom boom boom boom. I'm gonna shoot you right down,
right offa your feet.."

10. "It's been a long time since i rock n' rolled. It's been a long time since I got down and strolled.."

11. "Have you been to the desert? Have you walked with the dead? There's a hundred thousand children being killed for their bread.."

12. "Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena. Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena.."

No olisko Macarena? En muista esittäjää.

13. "I wish that I could fly into the sky. So very high, just like a dragonfly.."

Roxette - I wish I could fly?

14. "I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes.."

Wet Wet Wet - Love is all around

15. "Bailando bailando amigos adios, adios el silencio loco.."

Jälleen - biisi varmaankin Bailando, esittäjästä ei mitään hajua

16. "Kylmä keskiviikko, sadetta ja harmaata. Keittiön ikkunasta mä tuijotan tunteja.."

Neon 2 - Tässä talossa

17. "Tyttö näki sillalta kuinka mustaa, vesi oli alhaalla jossakin.."

Hector - Lumi teki enkelin eteiseen

18. "Juot ja katselet vieraisiin pöytiin, salaa vilkaiset itseäsi peiliin.."

Dingo - Levoton tuhkimo

19. "Kuka voisi kellot seisauttaa kun turhan nopeaan
aika tänä yönä raksuttaa.."

Suurlähettiläät - Kuka voisi kellot seisauttaa?

20. "Taas lapset pihalla näät ikkunas
alla leikkivän leikkejään.."

Yö - Joutsenlaulu

Viimeksi muokattu:


3. Deep Purple: Smoke on the Water

12. Eiköhän tämä ole yllättäen sen espanjalaisen Eurovision-porukan Macarena

15. Sash!: Bailando

Olihan noista moni tuttu, mutta ei nyt vain kello helähtänyt muiden osalta.


6. Blue Öyster Cult - Don't Fear The Reaper

7. AC/DC - Thunder Struck

12. Los Del Rio - Macarena ?

14. The Troggs (Wet Wet Wet) - Love Is All Around

15. Se Bailando juttu varmaan. Esittäjää en onneksi muista.

17. Hector - Lumi Teki Enkelin Eteiseen

19. Suurlähettiläät - Kuka Voisi Kellot Seisauttaa


Buccaneers, Lightning
3. "We all came out to Montreux. On the Lake Geneva shorelinet. To make records with a mobile. We didn't have much time.."
Savua Laatokalla :D
Deep Purple - Smoke on the water

11. "Have you been to the desert? Have you walked with the dead? There's a hundred thousand children being killed for their bread.."
Bad Religion - Punk rock song

12. "Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena. Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena.."
Los Del Rio - Macarena

13. "I wish that I could fly into the sky. So very high, just like a dragonfly.."
Roxette - I wish I could fly

14. "I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes.."
Wet x 3 - Love is all around

15. "Bailando bailando amigos adios, adios el silencio loco.."
Bailando - Bailando

18. "Juot ja katselet vieraisiin pöytiin, salaa vilkaiset itseäsi peiliin.."
Dingo - Levoton tuhkimo

19. "Kuka voisi kellot seisauttaa kun turhan nopeaan
aika tänä yönä raksuttaa.."
Suurlähettiläät - Kuka voisi kellot seisauttaa

20. "Taas lapset pihalla näät ikkunas
alla leikkivän leikkejään.."
Yö - Joutsenlaulu

EDIT: 7. AC/DC - Thunderstruck
Satuin kuuntelemaan biisiä hetkisen päästä. Tarvii varmaan kuunnella vähän enemmän noita klassikoita.
Viimeksi muokattu:


HIFK, Florida Panthers, Miami Heat, Trevor Gillies
1. "Load up on guns and bring your friends. It's fun to lose.."

2. "All I wanna do is love you. I just want to take you there.."

3. "We all came out to Montreux. On the Lake Geneva shorelinet. To make records with a mobile. We didn't have much time.."
-Smoke on the water/Deep Purple

4. "You show us everything you've got. You keep on dancin' and the room gets hot. You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy.."
-Rock 'n' roll all night/KISS

5. "Has he lost his mind? Can he see or is he blind?"
-Iron Man/Black Sabbath

6. "All our times have come. Here but now they're gone.
Seasons don't fear the reaper.."
-Don't fear the reaper/Blue Oyster Cult

7. "I was caught in the middle of a railroad track
I looked round and I knew there was no turning back.."

8. "All the teachin' in the world today. All the little girls fillin' up the world today. When the good comes to bad, the bad comes to good.."
-Take a look around/Limp Bizkit

9. "Boom boom boom boom. I'm gonna shoot you right down,
right offa your feet.."

10. "It's been a long time since i rock n' rolled. It's been a long time since I got down and strolled.."
-Rock 'n' roll/Led Zeppelin

11. "Have you been to the desert? Have you walked with the dead? There's a hundred thousand children being killed for their bread.."
-Punk Rock Song/Bad Religion

12. "Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena. Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena.."
-Macarena/Los Del Rio

13. "I wish that I could fly into the sky. So very high, just like a dragonfly.."
-Fly away/Lenny Krawitz

14. "I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes.."
Love is all around/Wet Wet Wet

15. "Bailando bailando amigos adios, adios el silencio loco.."

16. "Kylmä keskiviikko, sadetta ja harmaata. Keittiön ikkunasta mä tuijotan tunteja.."

17. "Tyttö näki sillalta kuinka mustaa, vesi oli alhaalla jossakin.."
-Lumi teki enkelin eteiseen/Hector

18. "Juot ja katselet vieraisiin pöytiin, salaa vilkaiset itseäsi peiliin.."
-Levoton tuhkimo/Dingo

19. "Kuka voisi kellot seisauttaa kun turhan nopeaan
aika tänä yönä raksuttaa.."
-Kuka voisi kellot seisauttaa/Suurlähettiläät

20. "Taas lapset pihalla näät ikkunas
alla leikkivän leikkejään.."
-Joutsenlaulu/Yö (Maailmankaikkeuden yksi kamalimmista veisuista)


3. deep purple smoke onthe water
5. black sabbath ironman
6. blue öyster cult dont fear the reaper
9. johnny lee hooker? (ja monet muut) Boom boom boom boom.
10. led zeppelin rock & roll.."
11. tuttumutta ei löydy"
12. ne kaks äijää Macarena
13. hendrix burning of the midnight lamp
14. love is all around us empä muista alkuperäistä esittäjää
15. paradisio Bailando
17. hector lumi teki en...
18. dingo levoton tuhkimo
19. suurlähettiläät kuka voisi kellot seisauttaa
20. yön joutsenlaulu


3. "We all came out to Montreux. On the Lake Geneva shorelinet. To make records with a mobile. We didn't have much time.."
*Deep Purple - Smoke on the water

17. "Tyttö näki sillalta kuinka mustaa, vesi oli alhaalla jossakin.."
*Hector - lumi teki enkelin eteiseen

18. "Juot ja katselet vieraisiin pöytiin, salaa vilkaiset itseäsi peiliin.."
*Dingo - levoton tuhkimo

19. "Kuka voisi kellot seisauttaa kun turhan nopeaan
aika tänä yönä raksuttaa.."
*Suurlähettiläät - kuka voisi kellot seisautaa

20. "Taas lapset pihalla näät ikkunas
alla leikkivän leikkejään.."[/I]
*Yö - joutsen laulu

Ei oikeen noi ulkomaankieliset vain irtoa


Minkäköhän helevetin takia mieleen jää vain ne kaikkein huonoimmat tsipaleet?

1. "Load up on guns and bring your friends. It's fun to lose.."
Nirvana: Smells like teen spirit

2. "All I wanna do is love you. I just want to take you there
Popeda: hilipatipippaa

4. "You show us everything you've got. You keep on dancin' and the room gets hot. You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy.."
Britney Spears: Grazy :D

5. "Has he lost his mind? Can he see or is he blind?"
Ozzy Osbourne: Crazy train

6. "All our times have come. Here but now they're gone.
Seasons don't fear the reaper.."
Blue Öyster Cult: (don´t fear) The Reaper

7. "I was caught in the middle of a railroad track
I looked round and I knew there was no turning back.."
Alice in chains : Runaway train???

8. "All the teachin' in the world today. All the little girls fillin' up the world today. When the good comes to bad, the bad comes to good.."
Limp Bizkit: Take a look around

9. "Boom boom boom boom. I'm gonna shoot you right down,
right offa your feet.."
Veikataan vaikkapa Coolio: Gangstas paradise

11. "Have you been to the desert? Have you walked with the dead? There's a hundred thousand children being killed for their bread.."
Bad Religion: Punk rock song

12. "Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena. Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena.."
Los del rio: Macarena (tai jotain sinnepäin)

14. "I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes.."
Depeche mode: Feel it???

15. "Bailando bailando amigos adios, adios el silencio loco.." Paradisio: Bailando

17. "Tyttö näki sillalta kuinka mustaa, vesi oli alhaalla jossakin.."
hector: Lumi teki enkelin eteiseen

18. "Juot ja katselet vieraisiin pöytiin, salaa vilkaiset itseäsi peiliin.."
Dingo: Levoton tuhkimo

19. "Kuka voisi kellot seisauttaa kun turhan nopeaan
aika tänä yönä raksuttaa.."
Suurlähettiläät : Kuka kellot seisauttaa

20. "Taas lapset pihalla näät ikkunas
alla leikkivän leikkejään.."
Yö: Joutsenlaulu


Näitähän riittää tämäntyyppisiä visailuja!

3. "We all came out to Montreux. On the Lake Geneva shorelinet. To make records with a mobile. We didn't have much time.."

Deep Purple: Smoke On the Water

6. "All our times have come. Here but now they're gone.
Seasons don't fear the reaper.."

BÖC: Don't Fear the Reaper

10. "It's been a long time since i rock n' rolled. It's been a long time since I got down and strolled.."

Led Zeppelin: Rock'n'Roll

12. "Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena. Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena.."

Tää oli kai se villitystanssijuttu, Macarena

13. "I wish that I could fly into the sky. So very high, just like a dragonfly.."

Arvaus: Frank Marino: Dragonfly

16. "Kylmä keskiviikko, sadetta ja harmaata. Keittiön ikkunasta mä tuijotan tunteja.."

17. "Tyttö näki sillalta kuinka mustaa, vesi oli alhaalla jossakin.."

Hector: Lumi teki enkelin eteiseen

18. "Juot ja katselet vieraisiin pöytiin, salaa vilkaiset itseäsi peiliin.."

Dingo: Autiotalo???

19. "Kuka voisi kellot seisauttaa kun turhan nopeaan
aika tänä yönä raksuttaa.."

plääh, ei muistu...

20. "Taas lapset pihalla näät ikkunas
alla leikkivän leikkejään.."

Yö: ?????


HPK, Kolarin Turmio
Kaikki muut ehti taas ensin, plääh...

"You're no fun anymore!"
Kysymys: kuka sanoi tai missä sanottiin noin? :)

Toi nro. 7 ja Runaway train tosin taitaa olla Soul Asylumin biisi....


Durrels Palace
Viestin lähetti rapster
Kaikki muut ehti taas ensin, plääh...

"You're no fun anymore!"
Kysymys: kuka sanoi tai missä sanottiin noin? :)

Eric Idle Monty Pythonin Lentävässä Sirkuksessa...


HPK, Kolarin Turmio
Viestin lähetti Mäkelä

Eric Idle Monty Pythonin Lentävässä Sirkuksessa...

Jep... tällainen löytyi netistä :D

(In the country we an Interviewer, with microphone. Behind him a man sits on a wall, with clip-board, binoculars and spotting gear.)
Interviewer: Good evening. Tonight we're going to take a hard tough abrasive look at camel spotting. Hello.

Spotter: Hello Peter.

Interviewer: Now tell me, what exactly are you doing?

Spotter: Er well, I'm camel spotting. I'm spotting to see if there are any camels that I can spot, and put them down in my camel spotting book.

Interviewer: Good. And how many camels have you spotted so far?

Spotter: Oh, well so far Peter, up to the present moment, I've spotted nearly, ooh, nearly one.

Interviewer: Nearly one?

Spotter: Er, call it none.

Interviewer: Fine. And er how long have you been here?

Spotter: Three years.

Interviewer: So, in, er, three years you've spotted no camels?

Spotter: Yes in only three years. Er, I tell a lie, four, be fair, five. I've been camel spotting for just the seven years. Before that of course I was a Yeti Spotter.

Interviewer: A Yeti Spotter, that must have been extremely interesting.

Spotter: Oh, it was extremely interesting, very, very - quite... it was dull; dull, dull, dull, oh God it was dull. Sitting in the Waterloo waiting room. Course once you've seen one Yeti you've seen them all.

Interviewer: And have you seen them all?

Spotter: Well I've seen one. Well a little one... a picture of a... I've heard about them.

Interviewer: Well, now tell me, what do you do when you spot a camel?

Spotter: Er, I take its number.

Interviewer: Camels don't have numbers.

Spotter: Ah, well you've got to know where to look. Er, they're on the side of the engine above the piston box.

Interviewer: What?

Spotter: Ah - of course you've got to make sure it's not a dromedary. 'Cos if it's a dromedary it goes in the dromedary book.

Interviewer: Well how do you tell if it's a dromedary?

Spotter: Ah well, a dromedary has one hump and a camel has a refreshment car, buffet, and ticket collector.

Interviewer: Mr Sopwith, aren't you in fact a train Spotter?

Spotter: What?

Interviewer: Don't you in fact spot trains?

Spotter: Oh, you're no fun anymore.

(ANIMATION: Then a girl in bed. Count Dracula enters. The girl reveals her neck. The vampire goes to kiss her but his fangs fall out.)

Girl: Oh, you're no funn anymore.

(A man at the yardarm being lashed.)

Lasher:... thirty-nine... forty. All right, cut him down, Mr Fuller.

Lashee: Oh you're no fun anymore.

(Back to camel spotter.)

Spotter: Now if anybody else pinches my phrase I'll throw them under a camel.

Interviewer: (giggling) If you can spot one.

(Spotter gives him a dirty look. Knight in amour appears beside him. He hits interviewer with chicken.)
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