Osahan tuosta on lainaa ja laitanpa oheen erään mielipiteen (lähinnä kai se alleviivaa, ettei mikään ole ilmaista ja maksamaton laina saattaa kaatua valtion harteille):
"Whilst it is true that China now has a huge continental domestic economy, trade restrictions make it very difficult for foreign firms actually to trade successfully into that market. Business opportunities are likely to be further diminished by a slowing Chinese economy.
Furthermore, much Chinese “investment” involves taking loans from Chinese banks under conditions that can undermine state finances in the receiving country, most notably in the recent case of a bridge in Montenegro. Even when Chinese capital is provided, as opposed to loans, there are significant security questions over the control of acquired CEE companies by Chinese entities under the effective control of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). In addition, much of the Chinese capital and loans directed to Baltic and CEE states appears to support the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), whose projects are aimed at making it easier for China to export to those states. In other words, the Baltic and CEE states are paying for or encouraging inward investment into their countries that will only increase their trade deficits with China." -ICDS: Beware of Chinese Gifts
Eli haluaisin kyllä nähdä jonkinlaisen järkevän laskelman miten tuo saadaan kannattavaksi ja millä aikataululla.