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    Conan O'Brien

    Joo,minä kirjoitin tuon väärin, korjasinkin jo.
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    Conan O'Brien

    PERSEENREIKÄ on siis Rane Raitsikan suunnittelema "paitamallisto" ja sittemmin myös Los Angelesissa perustaman jääkiekkojoukkueen nimi. https://www.hs.fi/kulttuuri/art-2000005515439.html
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    Conan O'Brien

    Conan on onnistunut saamaan maanantain vieraakseen itsensä Ismo Leikolan: ISMO comedy Twitterissä: "Very happy to announce great news! I'm going to be on #CONAN this Monday! Yay! @teamcoco @ConanOBrien… "
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    Conan O'Brien

    But in a telephone interview on Monday, Jimmy Asci, a representative for Sony/ATV, said that programs like “The Tonight Show” and “Saturday Night Live” have pre-negotiated “blanket licenses” with music publishers that cover their use of recorded and performed songs. “There just isn’t enough time...