
  1. P

    Jääkiekko in English

    I own a friend who go to Southern Korea. Not hockey interesting, only skiing and maybe some hill jumps. Not sure if Mouse Mickey is there. Will ask and report.
  2. P

    Jääkiekko in English

    Should alreaidy start. However, I not watch any games of PHL and reasin why not know the mans that play. But I hope learning when many gmaes plays.
  3. P

    Jääkiekko in English

    Thanks you for the insight of the leaging. I used come from Espoo but no live there nowmore. However very interesting to hear what happening on my very love hometown. No thinking that is good what happens in team but very nice see you use letters like å and ö and ä. Still reading papersnews...
  4. P

    Jääkiekko in English

    Not understand firtsly what wrong relay to have lend. Now know but not allow do about it. Can you maybe used reporters button and fix. I likes Russia people and russiasong alot. Country is bad and corruptated but humans are good.
  5. P

    Jääkiekko in English

    No tell school is wrong. I not know England country language if not for that old women. I was in class three and she know how language speak. Not remember the name but she was old. Maybe dead but very much remember. Have said that I think was Ulla.