
  1. M

    Jääkiekko in English

    I think the abloy in this one is use the middle area trap like Johnny Ironwildforest does in Tampere Axes. Actually me think that Raymond Pearls is a brilliant couch. In first games we play modern international hockey and everyone think that Finland is modern hockey frontrunner. Then in real...
  2. M

    Jääkiekko in English

    Not it wasn't. Thing is that when Smallfield was attacked it was an terrorist attack. You know ALLAHAKBARRAMZIABID kaind öf thing. After months of water boarding and war against terrorism, justice won and police find out that Batmans Enemies terrorist looking Bin-Laden guy, is the only one in...
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    Jääkiekko in English

    Jees, greit favourite name! I think problem is that Jari Horserace dont know the difference bitwiin kickball and disc. In kicball/kendo you can score from the corners but in disc you dont, but if we get that Carles Puyol from Philadelphia, mayby things change. Kaleva Ball also has our own...
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    Jääkiekko in English

    Here niör thö wolf border in Kuopio we had many problems at pre-season. After being in outlands our owner/player and our Neeger and our coach Tuokkola had a gathering in the Kapanen Mansion and after that our tiim changed coach. Now our couch is Jari Horserace, hee a good coach and dont know...