
  1. K

    Jääkiekko in English

    Worse news for COB. Michael Hillshead has hurted his wrist and it will need scissoring. He must stay away off eyes for many, many weaks. This will be a boo boo for COB as Hillshead is one of wealthiest reverses of COB. Not a very, very good xmas for COB. Hey, xmas male goat, give COB some good...
  2. K

    Jääkiekko in English

    Also funny because Lassie is a bitch. We at COP camp are worried because our head commander pussy Marko is so uncastrated ram that he doesn't change his coaching thinking. Now we are waiting for a long and hard season. COP plays very confusing hockey and chases the disc much more than plays...
  3. K

    Jääkiekko in English

    Me have to go bäk to the geim seven, but do not mistake this for the moving picture seven that is about the cereal killer. The ultimate geim seven that was geimed in Lappee's Beach and the homeboys of Saimaa's Ball was not good hosts and taked the win. After that geim, there was some jang duuds...