
  1. C

    Jääkiekko in English

    Most of COB (i hope that that lyhenne is same what i think) fans (åår suppoters, its your turn to decide what name you use) thinked before this season that Marco The Bald(inen) is a scheisse coach, even that fivedivaren valmentaja from Kummeli Stories is better to make some success. And now the...
  2. C

    Jääkiekko in English

    And some of the Jyväskylä fans are "guys who likes to bang the drums". And rest of people is hillbillies who comes in the game with Valtra's tractor(s), wearing Hankkija's orange cap and gameshirt. Group drums (or drumgroup, what name you like to use) is.. Well, seven of ten fans say that...
  3. C

    Jääkiekko in English

    Liiga makes a new record or something like that. First time the Finnish icehockey champion solves in the game seven. Pressures are high. I hope that Oulu's Weasels wins "the boy" aka Canada-cup/bowl/<put another calling name here> AND I KNOW, MY ENGLISH SUCKS VERY BAD. My English skills...