Anyone English (or German) speaking here?

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Oulun Kärpät
Hei hei
We are two girls from Switzerland, loving the Finnish Icehockey.
Even we learnd some Finnish, we don't know enough to talk to others, understand the news or write to a Forum.
We used to post the results of the SM-Liiga in a Swiss Hockey-Forum and a Hockey Magazine. Because of that, we discovered, that people here are interested in Finnish Icehockey. Some of them are real Fans of a Club from Finnland or the National Team. A lot of them asked us (and are still asking) for more informations about the SM-Liiga, "their" team or players. So we decided to create the firts German Homepage about the SM-Liiga. At the moment, it is still under construction.
We hope, you can help us. We already asked the Clubs for more informations about the team. But a team is nothing without the fans. It would be great, if you, the fans and supporters of each team, will help us.

If you want to know more or if you have already some good informations for us, please contact us:

Thanks a lot
Andrea and Carmen


Oulun Kärpät

Thanks a lot for the links, pretty helpful. :o)

We ARE learing Finnish, but it's not easy.
But if you like, we can teach you Swiss-German. That's even more difficult to learn, because when you're not from here, you won't understand a word.

Grüessli us dä Schwiiz (Greetings from Switzerland)
Andrea and Carmen
Susanna Pöykiö
Sveitsi kirjoitti:
But if you like, we can teach you Swiss-German. That's even more difficult to learn, because when you're not from here, you won't understand a word.
Quite the opposite. If we can learn english (and mandatory swedish), it aint that hard for a finn, to learn any other germanic language.

On the topic: that Hockey's future link (only to their forums) is valuable for you. There you find a bunch of others like you, non-finnish speaking (or actually finns) communicating at a language you do understand. Makes your goal a lot more achieveable, than with people in here...

Anyways, good luck with your project.


Oulun Kärpät
Jääkoneenkuljettaja kirjoitti:
Quite the opposite. If we can learn english (and mandatory swedish), it aint that hard for a finn, to learn any other germanic language.
I wouldn't say that, but anyway. It was just a joke.

Jääkoneenkuljettaja kirjoitti:
On the topic: that Hockey's future link (only to their forums) is valuable for you. There you find a bunch of others like you, non-finnish speaking (or actually finns) communicating at a language you do understand. Makes your goal a lot more achieveable, than with people in here....
We think, all link are useful for us and the project.
Of course they will help us, but the support from here is also hugh! We had after a very short time so many answers with helpful links, informations and support.
We want to say thank you to all people who wrote us. Keep going, it is a great feeling, the support and good wishes from all of you!

Jääkoneenkuljettaja kirjoitti:
Anyways, good luck with your project.
Thanks a lot!


Oulun Kärpät
Mie luulen et osaan enemmän saksaa entä "Andrea ja Carmen" (os. Pekka ja Jorma) yhteensä. Ihan kiva silti.


Hameenlinna Moderators
Please don't mind the fans from the Oulu-region (Kärpät-fans), we don't like them either.

Master Chief

Jokerit, Manchester United, Denny Crane
Koskenkorva kirjoitti:
Mie luulen et osaan enemmän saksaa entä "Andrea ja Carmen" (os. Pekka ja Jorma) yhteensä. Ihan kiva silti.

I suggest you visit their site. Pekka and Jorma don't possess adequate German skills to build such a site. Besides, I would think the mods would have checked their background thoroughly. Btw, I thought we weren't taking new members here?

Back on topic, HFBoards is indeed a perfect site for you. There's some Germans and Swiss posters there as well. But I must warn you: registration requires you to send topless pictures of yourself to me personally. Ok, not really. ;)


Ilves, Man U
I don´t know about other teams web sites but Ilves has some information on their web site in english, news, the history, etc. Worth seeing if someone is interrested, like one should be, about the most legendary finnish team.

Osmo Rapeli

Kuusijuhla - Sex Festival
For some odd reason I have a feeling that if the girls post their photos somewhere this is gonna be the most popular thread in the history of the JATKOAIKA.

Not that I'm curious to see what they look like myself...HA!


Blues Espoo
Ikävä tuottaa pettymys pojat, mutta Carmen ja Andrea ovat kummatkin ihan aitoja Sveitsin heidejä. :)

He ovat fanaattisia sveitsiläisiä lätkäfaneja ja seuraavat Sveitsin liigan ohella myös suomen liigaa ja suomen maajoukkueen edesottamuksia. Ovat jopa kirjoittaneet paikalliseen lätkälehteen juttuja suomen kiekkoilusta.


HIFK, FC Bayern
Schöne Grüsse aus Stadi ( = innere und ursprüngliche Helsinki).

Falls Sie was von HIFK wissen wollen können Sie sich immer an Hern Doctor "Carlso" wenden. Leider ist er nicht anzuschprehen weil er die folgenden zwei monaten in der "penalty box" sitzt.
Carlos ist unser auslandsvertrter da er früher in verschiedene ausländer tätig war. Carlos ist ein guter kerl och er weiss bescheid alles über, unter, vor und nach HIFK.

Prost Neu Jahr!


Daespoo kirjoitti:
Please don't mind the fans from the Oulu-region (Kärpät-fans), we don't like them either.

Please don't mind this guy.... He is not very clever.

Nice to hear that Finnish hockey has fans also there. Good luck with your project (especially learning finnish).

You can send personal messages to people, you see are worth it, by clicking persons alias and selecting "Lähetä yksityisviesti käyttäjälle [alias]".
I think, this is better way to get reasonable answers for you questions. It works pretty much the same way, you used this board.

Here is unfortunately lot of young (or stupid) people, who doesnt have anything else to do than to criticize other people and their teams. Especially, when they doesnt understand, what people are talking about. HFBoards is good place, but there is not so much action.



HIFK, FC Bayern
JPL kirjoitti:
Please don't mind this guy.... He is not very clever.

Vielleicht hast du eine Liste von anderen nich-cleveren Typen, die hier schreiben?
Kanns du die Liste hier kopieren, es wäre gut zu wissen weil dann weiss ich, und die schöne Damen aus der Schweitz, bescheid ob ich (wir) die "Schreibereien" glauben soll/kann oder nicht.

Osmo Rapeli

Kuusijuhla - Sex Festival
Daespoo kirjoitti:
Please don't mind the fans from the Oulu-region (Kärpät-fans), we don't like them either.

I say we should beat up Designer!


Sveitsi kirjoitti:

Thanks a lot for the links, pretty helpful. :o)

We ARE learing Finnish, but it's not easy.
But if you like, we can teach you Swiss-German. That's even more difficult to learn, because when you're not from here, you won't understand a word.

Grüessli us dä Schwiiz (Greetings from Switzerland)
Andrea and Carmen

Wetten, dass...

Äxgüsi, was kriegt man wenn man auch ein bischen Schwitzerdütsch versteht?

In der Schweiz sollte man eigentlich SM-liiga vergessen und sich nur auf HIFK konzentrieren. IFK ist wie FC Bayern (FC Hollywood). Alle reden nur um IFK. Wenn mann FC Bayern - Stern des Südens -Lied guckt, merkt man, dass es sehr viel gibt, die genauso bei IFK ist. Zum Beispiel:

FC Bayern, Stern des Südens, du wirst niemals untergehen, weil wir in guten wie in schlechten Zeiten zu einander stehen. Bei uns wäre es natürlich: IFK, Stern des Südens, du wirst niemals untergehen, weil wir in guten wie in schlechten Zeiten zu einander stehen. Und dann folgt: Wo ist Presse, wo ist Rummel, wo wird immer diskutiert ?
Hier ist Leben, hier ist Liebe, hier ist Feuer und drum bleibt mein Stadi Finnlands bester bis in alle Ewigkeit.

IFK Fans beherrschen natürlich alle Deutsch, weil wir einfach diese wunderschöne Sprache respektieren. Die englische Sprache, England und David Beckham kotzen uns an.
Sveitsi kirjoitti:
But if you like, we can teach you Swiss-German.

Grüessli us dä Schwiiz (Greetings from Switzerland)
Andrea and Carmen

Grüezi mitenand.

Es gibt ja kei Schwiezerduetsch, es gibt St. Gallerduetsch, Zuercherduetsch, Bernerduetsch usw. I häib St. Gallerduetsch verstehe glern aibe Zuercherduetsch gar nöit.

F: Was ist die Definizion von Schweizerdeutsch?
A: Falsch usgsprochns Duetsch mit falsch usgsprochn französchn Wörte


Oulun Kärpät
Hey guys

Maybe we will post our fotos on our Homepage, but we don't know if this is not to shocking for you all. :D

We do like the Kärpät-Fans a lot, because Kärpät is the best team on earth!

@all who gave us links
Thanks a lot. Some of them we knew already, others were new for us.
We are still working at the Homepage and will use those links as soon as possible.

@all who wrote / tried to write in (Swiss)German
Nice try guys. ;o)
Ok, there is no Swissgerman, because we don't have any grammar. Everyone writes the words the way he likes. And it's not German with wrong France because the Germans don't understand much when Swiss are talking together. We don't une many French words aswell, pardon!
But Merci for your explanations. :D
So for all who like "Swissgerman":
Äs git kä Schwizerdütsch, will mir kä Grammatik händ. Jedä schriebt d'Wörter so wiä är's gärn macht. Und äs isch kä Dütsch mit Französisch will diä Dütsche västönd d'Schwizer nid, wänns zäme schwätzed. Und mir bruched au nöd viill Französischi Wörter, pardon!
Aber Märci für d'Ärchlärige. :D

Thanks a lot for yous support. And don't post our pictures or we will post your's! ;-)

What do you recive, because you understand German? Hmmmmmmmmm, oh! You can invite us to a game HIFK against Kärpät and we will comfort you when your team loose. :D)))
Ok, why should we forget the rest of the SM-Liiga and only concentrate us to HIFK. It's boring, only one team for a whole Liiga. You can never play against other teams!

So, we hope we forgot no-one. If so, sorry!

Nice Weekend to everybody!
Greets from the East of Switzerland


Lukko, Hal Gill
Sveitsi kirjoitti:
We had after a very short time so many answers with helpful links, informations and support.

For some reason, I don't doubt that at all!

This thread is damn funny. Glad to see finnish league has fans outside Finland too.


HIFK, Flyers, Mike Keenanin jengit
psychodad kirjoitti:
This thread is damn funny. Glad to see finnish league has fans outside Finland too.
Since this thread seems to be the official non-Finnish Sm-liiga fan thread, I'm posting this short message from a friend of mine from Hamilton (Kärpät and HIFK sympathizer), who thinks we should develop lots of good players for his beloved Avs. All the bastards who went to Toronto or Detroit can burn in hell as far as he's concerned. That is all. Oh yeah, he hates Swedes. Funny thing.
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